Dana White Blackjack

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  1. “They banned him from a bunch of casinos, because he’s really good at Blackjack.” As seen in the video below, Dana White revealed that he was been banned from three Las Vegas casinos due to his highly successful gambling runs.
  2. Dana White's Office At UFC Headquarters Is Absolutely Insane 5 months ago White explains that he purchased the fossil back in 2009 at an auction and it's been in his possession ever since.
  3. Jun 09, 2014 Dana has a certain amount of leverage over the fighters, but it's the Fertitta brothers who have leverage over Dana. I like this quote, '“Casinos don’t want to gamble anymore,” White said. “They’re all owned by hedge funds and corporations. They want to stack the odds so much against you that won’t play.
  4. Dana White still plays a lot of blackjack, his favorite casino game, and says he’s still a winning player. After so many multi-million dollar wins and high-profile banishments, there are rumors around Vegas that White is a card counter.

UFC President Dana White responds to Colby Covington's tracking him down at the blackjack table to troll him about a title fight. He also addresses Tony Ferg.

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ZK complains about how the world is trash....
Then gets offended when someone looks at him crooked and goes online to complain to a bunch of strangers.
You're part of the problem, ZK. Maybe someday you'll figure that out.
Dana white banned from casino
You are correct that the wealth and fame of some other guy is unimportant.
For the same reasons, a random guy giving you a dirty look is also unimportant.
Imagine if you cared so little that you'd forgotten it ever happened by now, instead of being upset.
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!

Dana White was at 'the D' downtown Saturday night in hi-limit. No one other than his little entourage and marketing guy who brought him in along with the shift managers were watching over him playing. Being the person I am, I walk over into hi-limit and start approaching the table only to get sideways glances from his little steroid butt buddy friend every time I moved closer.
I guess you're not allowed to watch someone play just cause he's some type of celeb? I don't give a a $hit who you are and this is what's wrong with society once again. People have a little bit of money and a little bit celeb status and think they're above someone else. Once again this is why we need a cash free society and how money has completely destroyed this world. Whether it's people being as immoral and unethical as they can to get ahead or if it's someones mind being so brainwashed by the media that because they're so 'popular' and have money in their wallet that they think they're above the 'common' person. God bless future generations to come. This society is pure trash. Everyone out there today is completely droned out of their minds. No ONE is better than the next person. I don't care if you're Michael Jordan or you have 100 billion in your bank account.
If I ever see Dana White and his entourage playing again, I will 100% be sure to shove my way into the group and hover over the table until they drag me out with 10 security guards. Then I'll do it all over again when they come back to play.
So shout out to the steroid drone friend of Dana White who kept looking over his shoulder with a disgusted look on his face as I inched closer to the table as well as his droned out entourage who think they're above everyone else just like every other celeb out there. You and every single celeb aint $hit

I remember at Revel's grand opening weekend (where Beyonce performed) and I walked into the Ultra Lounge - it was packed with teenage girls - I found out what the buzz was about - Jay-Z was playing blackjack at a table surrounded by 3 bodyguards who intercepted anyone attempting to approach the table -- two thoughts came to mind:
1--I saw nobody checking the 20-30 teenage girls who were in the Ultra Lounge; and
2--Where was Revel security?
It could have been 'this time' but no, it will have to be 'next time', Sure
So this rant is about someone looking at you funny?
So nothing actually happened—as in reality?
All of the injustice is actually taking place in your mind?
I imagine someone as rich and famous as Dana White has a bodyguard when he appears in public. This anecdote about someone looking at you as you approached him would indicate the bodyguard doing his job of looking at people.
I am all for the little guy not taking abuse from the rich and powerful but I fail to see anything here.
I think ZK is starting to realize he is a slip and fall away from being an AP.

I think ZK is starting to realize he is a slip and fall away from being an AP.

I would say a guy who sustains himself solely thru his play is an AP.

This incident says much more about you than it does about Dana White

If you actually read what I wrote, which many dont anymore because everyone has ADD due to all these poisonous vaccines at a young age, then maybe you would understand that this post WASNT about dana white, but about his little entourage and his friend or bodyguard, whoever the hell he was that thinks he's tough or above you cause hes on roids and has a bit of fame because he knows dana.
Imagine instead of dirty looks from his entourage as i approached the table, they embraced their fellow citizen with smiles just like any other gambler in the building would have done? What makes them so special just because they have hundreds of millions or billions? Hilarious. How society and the media can brainwash someones mind to think theyre important or above someone else. Take them off TV and see how they change.
Any private business open to the PUBLIC (ie. droned out casinos) cannot have a criminal trespass enforced against an individual without GOOD CAUSE (Disruptive or Disorderly conduct). You will never go to prison for being thrown out of a casino for legal advantage play and then returning because it's simply unconstitutional 'as applied' to the individual. 'As applied' constitutional issues must FIRST be raised in DISTRICT COURT (trial court) to have it thrown out. You CANNOT raise it on APPEAL This is the best kept secret in the world of casinos not just in Vegas but everywhere in the country. Thank me later.

Play Blackjack For Free 888

If you actually read what I wrote, which many dont anymore because everyone has ADD due to all these poisonous vaccines at a young age, then maybe you would understand that this post WASNT about dana white, but about his little entourage and his friend or bodyguard, whoever the hell he was that thinks he's tough or above you cause hes on roids and has a bit of fame because he knows dana.
Imagine instead of dirty looks from his entourage as i approached the table, they embraced their fellow citizen with smiles just like any other gambler in the building would have done? What makes them so special just because they have hundreds of millions or billions? Hilarious. How society and the media can brainwash someones mind to think theyre important or above someone else. Take them off TV and see how they change.

Or the guy was simply doing his JOB as security. But to you security is just more people out to get you. And who is the paranoid one?
#stillrootingfortheoverpass. Must be the vaccines I took as a kid.
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Dana White was at 'the D' downtown Saturday night in hi-limit. No one other than his little entourage and marketing guy who brought him in along with the shift managers were watching over him playing. Being the person I am, I walk over into hi-limit and start approaching the table only to get sideways glances from his little steroid butt buddy friend every time I moved closer.
I guess you're not allowed to watch someone play just cause he's some type of celeb? I don't give a a $hit who you are and this is what's wrong with society once again. People have a little bit of money and a little bit celeb status and think they're above someone else. Once again this is why we need a cash free society and how money has completely destroyed this world. Whether it's people being as immoral and unethical as they can to get ahead or if it's someones mind being so brainwashed by the media that because they're so 'popular' and have money in their wallet that they think they're above the 'common' person. God bless future generations to come. This society is pure trash. Everyone out there today is completely droned out of their minds. No ONE is better than the next person. I don't care if you're Michael Jordan or you have 100 billion in your bank account.
If I ever see Dana White and his entourage playing again, I will 100% be sure to shove my way into the group and hover over the table until they drag me out with 10 security guards. Then I'll do it all over again when they come back to play.
So shout out to the steroid drone friend of Dana White who kept looking over his shoulder with a disgusted look on his face as I inched closer to the table as well as his droned out entourage who think they're above everyone else just like every other celeb out there. You and every single celeb aint $hit
Any private business open to the PUBLIC (ie. droned out casinos) cannot have a criminal trespass enforced against an individual without GOOD CAUSE (Disruptive or Disorderly conduct). You will never go to prison for being thrown out of a casino for legal advantage play and then returning because it's simply unconstitutional 'as applied' to the individual. 'As applied' constitutional issues must FIRST be raised in DISTRICT COURT (trial court) to have it thrown out. You CANNOT raise it on APPEAL This is the best kept secret in the world of casinos not just in Vegas but everywhere in the country. Thank me later.

Dana White was at 'the D' downtown Saturday night in hi-limit. No one other than his little entourage and marketing guy who brought him in along with the shift managers were watching over him playing. Being the person I am, I walk over into hi-limit and start approaching the table only to get sideways glances from his little steroid butt buddy friend every time I moved closer.
I guess you're not allowed to watch someone play just cause he's some type of celeb? I don't give a a $hit who you are and this is what's wrong with society once again. People have a little bit of money and a little bit celeb status and think they're above someone else. Once again this is why we need a cash free society and how money has completely destroyed this world. Whether it's people being as immoral and unethical as they can to get ahead or if it's someones mind being so brainwashed by the media that because they're so 'popular' and have money in their wallet that they think they're above the 'common' person. God bless future generations to come. This society is pure trash. Everyone out there today is completely droned out of their minds. No ONE is better than the next person. I don't care if you're Michael Jordan or you have 100 billion in your bank account.
If I ever see Dana White and his entourage playing again, I will 100% be sure to shove my way into the group and hover over the table until they drag me out with 10 security guards. Then I'll do it all over again when they come back to play.
So shout out to the steroid drone friend of Dana White who kept looking over his shoulder with a disgusted look on his face as I inched closer to the table as well as his droned out entourage who think they're above everyone else just like every other celeb out there. You and every single celeb aint $hit

i don't see where you said you weren't allowed to watch.
Ive heard great things about Dana White from other dealers. Good to deal to, and a good tipper.

i don't see where you said you weren't allowed to watch.
Ive heard great things about Dana White from other dealers. That hes a good tipper and good person to deal to.

Judging by the expressions I got from his little entourage and me asking the dealer at the table next to them, I got the hint, but next time I don't give a $hit at all, I'm going all in right through all of them and standing right behind the table.
Also this isn't even about Dana White, I've heard the same and he seems to be down to earth and a good guy, but it's a shout out to the guys watching over him giving me disgusted expressions and all the celebs out there that think they're above everyone else when they aint $hit.
Any private business open to the PUBLIC (ie. droned out casinos) cannot have a criminal trespass enforced against an individual without GOOD CAUSE (Disruptive or Disorderly conduct). You will never go to prison for being thrown out of a casino for legal advantage play and then returning because it's simply unconstitutional 'as applied' to the individual. 'As applied' constitutional issues must FIRST be raised in DISTRICT COURT (trial court) to have it thrown out. You CANNOT raise it on APPEAL This is the best kept secret in the world of casinos not just in Vegas but everywhere in the country. Thank me later.

Judging by the expressions I got from his little entourage and me asking the dealer at the table next to them, I got the hint, but next time I don't give a $hit at all, I'm going all in right through all of them and standing right behind the table.
Also this isn't even about Dana White, I've heard the same and he seems to be down to earth and a good guy, but it's a shout out to the guys watching over him giving me disgusted expressions and all the celebs out there that think they're above everyone else when they aint $hit.

Sometimes the entourage can be intimidating, but they are likely just looking out for him. Hes a big-time Local celeb and im sure they have to deal with crazy fans all the time.
When I used to deal in St. Louis, Nelly would come all the time to play Craps or High Limit. He usually had a entourage of pretty big scary looking dudes, but they were pretty nice and if there were onlookers, Nelly would let them say Hi and shake his hand n such.
Dana is well known to be an extraordinary tipper, and when he was banned from Palms it was a huge deal among the dealers as they were receiving life changing money from him.

Dana is well known to be an extraordinary tipper, and when he was banned from Palms it was a huge deal among the dealers as they were receiving life changing money from him.

Met a valet from Wynn who told me Dana tipped $100 every time he parked.

Dana White was at 'the D' downtown Saturday night in hi-limit. No one other than his little entourage and marketing guy who brought him in along with the shift managers were watching over him playing. Being the person I am, I walk over into hi-limit and start approaching the table only to get sideways glances from his little steroid butt buddy friend every time I moved closer.
I guess you're not allowed to watch someone play just cause he's some type of celeb? I don't give a a $hit who you are and this is what's wrong with society once again. People have a little bit of money and a little bit celeb status and think they're above someone else. Once again this is why we need a cash free society and how money has completely destroyed this world. Whether it's people being as immoral and unethical as they can to get ahead or if it's someones mind being so brainwashed by the media that because they're so 'popular' and have money in their wallet that they think they're above the 'common' person. God bless future generations to come. This society is pure trash. Everyone out there today is completely droned out of their minds. No ONE is better than the next person. I don't care if you're Michael Jordan or you have 100 billion in your bank account.
If I ever see Dana White and his entourage playing again, I will 100% be sure to shove my way into the group and hover over the table until they drag me out with 10 security guards. Then I'll do it all over again when they come back to play.
So shout out to the steroid drone friend of Dana White who kept looking over his shoulder with a disgusted look on his face as I inched closer to the table as well as his droned out entourage who think they're above everyone else just like every other celeb out there. You and every single celeb aint $hit

You must just come across as an asshole like you do in the forum. I have run into Dana White at the d three times and every time his guys were nice as can be. He even took a picture and stop to shake my hand a second time when playing baccarat in the room to the left at the d the night before the May weather fight.
I think you just talk shit and in reality no nothing.TomG
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This incident says much more about you than it does about Dana White

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Dana white plays blackjack
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Just yesterday, I was thinking it had been a few weeks since zks last rant.
I had to Google who he was. This rant seems weird. Who cares? I don't see any difference to his action than a group of Asians with a nominated player.